First European Conference of Users and Ex-Users in Mental Health.
Zandvoort, The Netherlands, October 1991
The Zandvoort Declaration on Common Interests
General statements
The European Network is against the medical unilateral approach
to, and stigmatisation of, mental and emotional distress, human
suffering and unconventional behaviour.
The European Network should support users' autonomy and responsibility
in making their own decisions (self-determination).
Areas of main interests
To influence and try to change present treatment in psychiatry.
Create and support new alternatives to the psychiatric treatment.
The European Network should act against all kinds of discrimination
in society concerning people who went through the psychiatric
Psychiatric treatment
Work on abolishing compulsory treatment.
Increasing users' influence on their own treatment (e.g.
right to describe or define their own case, right to refuse
professional 'aid', right to make correction of their own
To secure that users receive adequate information (e.g.
right to receive written information about all possible
risks of the treatment, the users' right to establish independent
Support and promote the right to professional drug free
Support of user groups setting up alternatives to medical
Support and promote the right to establish user-controlled
initiatives inside and outside psychiatry.
Discrimination in society
To fight psychiatric stigma.
To get work for a proper salary.
To fight for proper housing.
- To monitor European or national legislation on aspects
of discriminating laws.